To provide exceptional patient care, sometimes it takes us collaborating with other specialties. This page is dedicated to sharing some of the great fields/businesses that we collaborate with to ensure our patients’ overall health and comfort!
Current Spotlight
Lebos Store - Charlotte/Concord/Gastonia/Pineville
A wonderful shoe store that since 1923, has been known for carrying a wide selection of comfort shoes, sandals, boots and more. They offer a full-service experience in their 8 store locations and a wide selection online as well.
Click here to view their website or find directions to the closest store near you:
Fleet Feet Huntersville, NC
“No two feet are the same. Not even your own two feet. That’s right, nearly 80 percent of us have a noticeable discrepancy between our left foot and our right foot. We may also have a bunion, a wider heel or a lower arch. What amounts to a millimeter’s difference in shape or size between your feet could mean the difference between comfortably making it through your run or deciding not to take the first step at all.”
Bunions, hammertoes and other deformities can cause discomfort in a narrow shoe. The fit is very important component when selecting a shoe. Some patients need a wider toe box and/or deeper toe box to accommodate.
We appreciate Fleet Feet in Huntersville for providing our patients and the community with great care. They use 3D scanning technology as part of the fit id experience to take precise measurements of your feet.
Run for Your Life Midtown, Piper Glen and University---Charlotte, NC
Gait (the process of walking) and balance are intricate movements. They rely on proper functioning from several areas of the body. Problems with any of these areas can lead to walking difficulties, falls, or injury if not addressed. Walking difficulties may be temporary or long-term, depending on the cause.
The average person takes thousands of steps each day. Athletes, of course, take many more steps due to their daily exercise routines. All of this activity can place extremely high pressures on the feet and lead to biomechanical problems with lasting effects.
Gait analysis gives runners and athletes a better understanding of their running style and foot pronation. Our podiatry group and local shoe stores can observe your gait to help better assist you in your treatment and shoe fit.
We love sending patients for great service at Run for Your Life here in charlotte!
Run For Your Life (1816 E. Arbors Dr., Charlotte, NC)
Run for Your Life
Charlotte Running Company Northlake, Mooresville, Charlotte Jamie & Beth Davis
Our next series spotlight features footwear.
We often give shoe suggestions to our patients but we also love sending them to local shoe stores for the right fit.
Finding the right athletic shoe and the correct fit can mean the difference between participating and sitting on the sidelines. Running shoes provide shock absorption to help runners avoid injury and are made for high-impact forward motion. You may need a specific running shoe based on your training schedule, activity and/or foot shape.
We appreciate CRC and their exceptional customer service!
Charlotte Running Company
RENEW Prosthetics & Orthotics Mollie Matthews,CPO and Scott Meyer, CO Mooresville, NC
Our next series spotlight features orthotics/prosthetics/braces and footwear.
We refer to orthotists and prosthetists quite often for foot and ankle deformities and conditions for custom bracing and orthosis.
Orthotics and ankle braces help restore function and increase mobility. Custom-made orthotics are prescription-grade shoe inserts that support and gently reposition the heel, arch, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones in the feet. Orthotics enable the structures in the foot to work together as nature intended, making each step pain-free. Ankle bracing improves the structure of the ankle and help prevent bone misalignment, as well as tendon and ligament fatigue.
Renew Prosthetics and Orthotics Inc
Taylor Rehab in Mooresville, NC with Caitlyn Napoli, PT, DPT
As our PT spotlight ends this week, we would like to introduce another modality that is helpful for many foot and ankle conditions.
Deep tissue laser therapy is a non-invasive FDA-cleared modality that helps to reduce inflammation, which ultimately decreases pain. Laser treatments work by releasing photons into the tissues surrounding the affected area that is being treated. Laser therapy is effective in treating acute pain, chronic conditions and post-operative pain. In some cases, it may be an alternative to taking pain-relieving drugs and can help patients avoid surgery. Taylor Rehab has a Lightforce Class 4 Deep Tissue Lasers at both of their Mooresville locations.
Phoenix Therapy & Aquatic Therapy in Denver, NC with Tatum Robinson, DPT, Certified Sports Physical Therapist and Certified Dry Needling
As our spotlights continue, we like to discuss some of the modalities and services performed at physical therapy that greatly benefit our patients.
Dry needling is a treatment technique that utilizes thin, solid filament needles to deactivate and desensitize trigger points in muscles. Myofascial trigger points are knots in muscles that can contribute to pain, decreased flexibility and decreased muscle function. We see this helps many foot and ankle conditions including plantar fasciitis.
Phoenix Rehab in Charlotte, NC with Matthew Turner, PR, DPT
Physical therapists offer a variety of rehab services to help treat many foot and ankle conditions, to prevent injuries and ultimately get patients back to work and activities faster. They also provide occupational rehab treating work related injuries.
Again, we are so thankful for the care that physical therapists provide to our patients.
Select Physical Therapy in Denver, NC w/ Michael Arcidiacono, P.T., DPT, ATC
To provide exceptional patient care, sometimes it takes us collaborating with other specialties. Our first series spotlight features physical therapy.
We refer to physical therapists quite often post-surgery, post-injuries and for other musculoskeletal conditions. As a dynamic duo, we get patients back to activities and work faster. Many foot and ankle conditions also respond well to conservative physical therapy treatments, avoiding the need for surgery.
Physical therapy is important to help rehabilitate our patients after surgery and injuries after a period of needed immobilization. They also establish stretching and strengthening regimens to increase mobility to reduce pain and discomfort.
We work closely with many physical therapy groups in the Charlotte, Mooresville, Huntersville and Denver area. We are very thankful for their care to our patients.